Part 106: Episode X: 2446 - 2475
Episode X: 2446-2475Pursuant to discussions in the thread, the clear plan here is to hit Altair, and the sooner the better so they don't have the time to build ships ith that Inertial Stabilizer. I did in fact manage a couple of tech trades: the Meklar gave up Nuclear Engines, which will help us get ships in place faster and of course aid defensive capabilities. The Silicoids were willing to part with either Graviton Beams or Battle Computer MK III. I chose the latter; Graviton is good against small ships but I'll take the accuracy and initiative. However, they wanted Robotics III for it. I don't feel like making the strongest empire in the galaxy stronger -- too high a price IMO.
But still, the engines will help. They meant I couldn't fit the new ECM Jammer on, still stuck at level I ... but getting there twice as fast and being 50% faster when we arrive(combat speed of 3 now) is well worth it. Not to mention the improved defense. The new ship is called the Spectre.
So we once again went on war footing. All of the previously-built ships that remained would be used, plus whatever I can assemble reasonably quickly. Several Spectres were built each year and sent on to the still-industrializing Rigel. There was still the matter of the Meklar alliance but that would likely go away on its own at some point. If it did, I would try to time the attack for that time.

We gave sabotage another shot but our spy was caught before he could do anything. Nothing else much happened the next few years, so it was time to vote again. If we all united against the Silicoids we could stop them, but I think this is the last time that is the case.
** Alkari(2) -- Granid. Yep, not gonna happen.
** Bulrathi(18) -- 62% of the galaxy is a bear or a rock.
** Mrrshan(9) -- Granid
** Meklar(7) -- Granid
We are up to five votes. With Granid leading things 38-18, I would otherwhise no longer find abstaining to be an automatic choice. Bulrathi relations are good(Relaxed), and I might survive voting for the rocks. I want to curry their favor and don't have any more options for doing so right now. A Silicoid alliance would be very beneficial. But of course, not beneficial enough for me to put them over the top. Abstain I must, abstain I do. We could soon be in that very rare situation where two empires have veto power -- and had I not taken Rigel, the end vote would probably have been 39-22, not 38-23 ... even closer to the rocks winning.

Relations with the Meklar are touchy enough that I need more tech just so that I can bribe them. They could flip at any time, and the Alkari-Meklar alliance is still on. Even as I continue building ships for another attack, that is the biggest concern.
Next year, the report comes back from Altair; 34 bases and a more numerous fleet than any we've faced so far. Once again I need to pretty much 'max out'.

Well, that sucks. Worse, in 2454 the Alkari signed an alliance with the Bulrathi as well. The best way around this, as far as I can tell, is to make sure they don't have time to appeal for aid. While it's a risky plan, if I time my transports and fleet to arrive at the same time, I should be able to invade Altair before they can send diplomats to Ursa and Meklon to request they join in war. If so, the only race they will have contact with is the Silicoids -- who they aren't allied with. That remote lower-right planet shouldn't give them diplomatic contact with anyone else.
Of course, should the attack fail at any point, I'm totally screwed. And the best part about that is the fact that in order to bring enough troops to ensure success, I'll need to send them from three systems(Rigel, Zoctan, and Sssla). Sssla's troops will require a full decade to arrive.
A lot can happen in 10 years. But if I was going to do this, I needed to do it right now. And so the order was given. Altair would fall ... or else. Or else what? Or else we are in big trouble. And meanwhile the ships would continue pouring into Rigel ...

The next year. Clearly, their spies have not told Farseer of our plans. Perhaps he doesn't see as well as he once did. I don't need the dishonorable penalty for breaking agreements getting any worse -- the transports from the homeworld are en route. I politely decline the deal I requested a few years ago. I wonder by the inquisitive look in the ambassador's eyes if they are suspicious ...

Two years later. There was no declaration of war. I think it's safe to say the plan has failed. But hey, we got Toxic Colonization now!! Ahh well. We had the sword of Damocles dangling over our heads. It's not dangling anymore. 59 Megabolt Cannons. Of course, that was the fourth most powerful race that just crushed our fleet like so many insignificant dust particles.
They didn't hang around though. There was at least some small chance this was a one-off attack and we could recolonize Rigel. It's not like I have a better idea. Of course all of those Sakka trooper headed for Altair are screwed -- and I'm kind of curious whether they will even get there since it's now out of range. Anyway, Sssla was the best source since the nebula slows down travel from Phyco ... the homeworld isn't quite back up to max population yet but can still easily handle building one in less than a year.

After three Recons reported Mrrshan-settled worlds, not surprisingly, on their expeditions, the Silicoids beat us to Rigel. With a single destroyer. Umm, ok. Nobody else showed up.

The next year, 2461. It will take some time to rebuild what the Meklar destroyed, but that's the least of our problems. Transports are three years out from Altair, and they will perish; we can only get about three dozen destroyers there in that amount of time, and that's only a fraction of what we'd need to have a chance. Only thing to be done is to minimize the diplomatic fallout from our soon-to-be-slaughtered invaders.
Currently, the Alkari have Bulrathi allies but that's all; not the Meklar anymore. I need to keep tabs on their tech advances but for now I haven't got a better idea than rebuild the fleet and try for Altair again. Of course it's likely to have gotten more difficult, but our complete lack of other options is rather compelling.

*sigh*. Well there goes that. I haven't been able to boost relations enough for an alliance yet. And now, we'd have to fight them for Rigel. That ain't happening. Or is it ... since we have two sets of transports on the way. All I can do is evacuate our ships and hope they don't get too mad about our troops when they arrive.
Contact is broken with the Alkari again. Honestly there's nothing left but to tech-and-base up now. To what end? Umm, basically presenting a less-inviting target. Our offensive options are now the Bulrathi and Silicoids. Nope. A highly-improbable spoils-of-war expansion is all that remains.
Everyone else is allied. Silicoid-Mrrshan-Meklar vs. Bulrathi-Alkari looks like the division. I definitely want in on the Silicoid side of that. And the question should be asked what do I have to lose from upsetting the Bulrathi? Umm, losing earlier than expected?? So I decide to try for a bit of espionage against them when/if I can.

So, apparently some magical range-enhancing thing happened here. Fuel pods .,.. eh, nothing makes sense. We had the range to get there when launched, and that's all that matters. Anyway, this is no surprise.
As the years passed, it became increasingly obvious that we were going to have a shot at re-taking Rigel; their population wasn't growing very fast. Of course it wasn't; they are rocks. I prepared to bribe with everything I had the year before we arrived ...

Now we have Class V planetary shields. A hearty so what to that at this point. I go with the deflectors here.

I threw a bunch of crap tech at the Silicoids to get this. Four of them. Three wasn't enough. Our transports are scheduled to arrive next year, but now they were all destroyed instead of ticking off the most powerful race in the galaxy.

Because they don't have enough yet.

Thankfully Robotics IV is next. Now we'll be able to see the doom before it comes. Probably.

Like this, for example. Bulrathi ships massing at our border. Comforting.

They now have veto power.

They just need four votes for not-Granid, and they'll get them. The Mrrshan(10) do go Silicoid, as do the Meklar(7). That's not enough. Yet. We're back at 4. 39-17 the count with 41 needed.